The data, once processed, is included in nationwide digital elevation datasets called NEXTMap. Orthorectified radar images (ORIs), a grayscale image of the earth’s surface that has been corrected to remove geometric distortions, accentuating topographic features far more than is possible with aerial photography.A "bare earth" topographic model that has had vegetation, buildings, and other cultural features digitally removed, enabling users to infer terrain characteristics possibly hidden in the DSM.

The key benefit of the DSM is that it provides a geometrically correct base map. A topographic model of the earth’s surface that includes buildings, vegetation, roads, and natural terrain features. Intermap’s IFSAR digital elevation model (DEM) and image products include: Intermap collects elevation data aerially, using aircraft equipped with Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (IFSAR) technology. Typically, these projects specified areas to be mapped and were generally procured by governmental mapping and/or defense agencies. Intermap originally focused on providing 3D digital elevation maps for customers under specific contract arrangements. Many of the senior members of Intermap’s original management team were employees of IITC. On November 11, 1996, the company acquired all of the assets comprising the image mapping services division of Intera Information Technologies Corporation (IITC). Intermap was formed on January 31, 1996, and commenced active business operations on September 1, 1996. ( July 2020) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message) Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. This section needs additional citations for verification.